Whether it’s frayed wires or slower wait times, our qualified lift inspectors will fully audit your lift and figure out whether it’s a small repairs job you need, a large repairs job or whether you just need a bit of lift maintenance.
All lifts have to conform to the LOLER regulations, this being the lifting operations and lifting equipment regulations 1998. This is a requirement for the safe supply and use of lifting equipment and in accordance with LOLER, all lifts that are used for carrying people, whether it is a passenger lift or a combination of both passenger and goods lifts require inspections at regular periods at least once every half a year whereas lifts only used for goods are a bit laxer and require these inspections once a year.

Why Are Lift Inspections Important?
As the Lift and Escalator Industry Association (LEIA) states, “maintenance of lifts and escalators is not an optional feature”.
Lift inspections are vital when it comes to ensuring your lifts are working safely and efficiently. Even small malfunctions can cause serious problems and scheduling regular lift inspections is the best way to catch these issues before they turn serious.
The Benefits of a Lift Inspection
There are many reasons as to why scheduling lift inspections is important. If you’re wondering whether you should be having your lifts inspected, here are a few reasons why you definitely should be:
Save Money
Lift repairs aren’t cheap and can require a lot of work. Scheduling regular lift inspections can help to avoid lift breakdowns and malfunctions – saving you serious money in the long run.
Passenger Safety
The safety of your passengers should be your top priority, but their safety can’t truly be guaranteed without regular lift inspections. Without inspections, there’s could be an array of underlying errors you just aren’t aware of.
Abiding by Regulations
By law, your lifts should be checked and inspected regularly. If your lifts aren’t inspected regularly, you’ll face serious legal issues if found out, especially if there’s an accident or severe malfunction. See our article on LOLER regulations for more detail.
Our Lift Inspection Service
Our qualified Inspection team will review all reports and documentation for any lift. A full inspection of the lift/lifts will be performed under LOLER guidelines and we will immediately notify clients with any possible issues such as defects or faults, as well as recommending the best course of action going forward.
How Much Does a Lift Inspection Cost?
The cost of a fully qualified LOLER lift inspection can vary based on the type of lift or lifts that are examined.
Each type of lift requires different procedures and specialities, some of which are much more complex than others and will therefore come at greater costs. Lifts that are spacious and have a higher carrying capacity will also require a more expensive inspection. You may also be required to pay more if the building has a complex structure that makes full inspection difficult.
If you would like to enquire about our Lift Inspection services, please contact us today or fill out our quote form so we can better assist you.
Independent LOLER Lift Inspections
Here at Vertical Lift Services North West, we offer a fully qualified lift inspection service in accordance with the LOLER regulations. Our inspection services cover a range of lift types including:
Passenger Lifts
Platform Lifts
Service Lifts
Glass Lifts
Car Lifts
Disability Access Lifts

LOLER regulations include:
Duty Holders are required to ensure lifts are inspected and examined at statutory intervals (Twice a year MINIMUM for passenger or passenger/goods lifts, Once a year for goods-only lifts.)
Lifts and Hoists used to lift people or goods must be examined by a “competent person” to ensure they are safe for use
Lifting equipment must be capable of withstanding the heavy load that is required and is not used for any loads over the required limit
The load limit must be clearly marked
Any faults or defects with the lift must be remedied properly and promptly
Accurate documentation and reports must be kept available and regularly updated
LOLER regulations are designed to ensure the safety of those operating the lift and those working around it. Ensuring that the lift is strong and stable enough to best fit its use and prevent damage to any property or human lives.
As a Duty Holder, you will be required to act on the recommendations of the inspection in a timely manner, especially in regards to defective or missing safety devices. You will also be required to keep an accurate record of any LOLER inspection for future reference.